Dekoracje, ozdoby morskie, marynistyczne. Żeglarskie klimaty. Żeglarski wystrój wnętrz wymaga dobrania wyjątkowych detali, które będą kojarzyć się z morzem, żeglowaniem i pięknymi wspomnieniami. Różnorodność to nasza główna cecha. Żaglówki, figury żaglówek, stalowe żaglówki, wieszak kotwica. Żaglowiec.
- Out of Stock
- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Zegary loft, Steel marine decorations, Marine clocks, Industrial furniture and artistic blacksmithing
Industrial marine clock with a blue rope
- 450.00zł
- Marine clock made of steel, wood and rope
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Boards and display cases with sailing knots, Nagrody żeglarskie, statuetki, nagrody na regaty
Board with sailing knots 30 × 40 cm size L Knoten tafel
- 169.00zł
- Board with sailing knots, showcase with knots.
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Nagrody żeglarskie, statuetki, nagrody na regaty, Ornaments and decorations made of steel
Stainless steel sailboat
- 150.00zł
- Stainless steel sailboat, figurine, sculpture
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Ornaments and decorations made of steel
Wieszak na malowanej desce ze stalowymi kotwicami
- 199.00zł
- Wieszak na malowanej desce z trzema kotwicami
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Ornaments and decorations made of steel, Christmas
Sailing Christmas tree with boatswain knobs
- 109.00zł
- Nautical Christmas tree made of steel with boatswain knobs. Christmas decoration.
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Ornaments and decorations made of steel
Wieszak stalowy knaga
- 45.00zł
- Wieszak stalowy knaga
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Nagrody żeglarskie, statuetki, nagrody na regaty, Ornaments and decorations made of steel
Wieszak stalowy na klucze kotwica
- 89.00zł
- Wieszak na klucze stalowa kotwica
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Ornaments and decorations made of steel
Pogoria sailing ship, stainless steel, artistic variation
- 900.00zł
- Pogoria stainless steel sailing ship, sculpture
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations, Nagrody żeglarskie, statuetki, nagrody na regaty
Optimist sailboat made of stainless steel
- 70.00zł
- Optimist stainless steel sailboat
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- Out of Stock
- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Boards and display cases with sailing knots
Sailing knots board, knots display case, frame size XL Knotentafel
- 249.00zł
- Nautical knot board, knot display case, frame size XL
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- Decorations, marine and maritime ornaments, Steel marine decorations
Zawisza Czarny, a sailing ship sculpture, artistic variation
- 900.00zł
- A sailing ship made of stainless steel Zawisza Czarny, sculpture
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